Some Gadgets See People, Some Others - Other Gadgets
Excerpt from the press text of the exhibition
Some gadgets see people and some - other gadgets is about watching and the ability to make judgment. For years, Krassimir Terziev has been touring about with the eye of the camera in an attempt to capture his own imperfect nature but also to find at least one opportunity for survival. In time, he explores faces and terrains, habits and circumstances as if to gain confidence that what he sees, is that what it is.
Lately, the artist dramatically has been changing the perspective. He adds to the close look a global cosmic eye that watches us through a distant universe prism. The artist uses new technologies and in particular drones. Will we thus get to know ourselves better? Will we be able to add to the staring upon our own life a broader and all-embracing look that overcomes geographical and historical limitations?
On the other hand, however, the look of the drone is "militaristic, controlling and remotely controlled, authoritarian" (in the words of the author). Drones have been introduced first by the military and in some places in the world their sound merely is enough to cause mortal fear.
Krassimir Terziev is interested in the interception of the two perspectives: the human, of the camera on a tripod (from eye level) and that from the distance of the flying drone, unachievable for human physique. In the exhibition, the author takes us for a walk between close-up and distant aspects. Wide panoramas are displaced by a scrutiny of the detail. Personal stories are interwoven with the general. Time is present as an opportunity for us to manipulate the story and to turn it back.
The future is here, but it is also slowing down. We were brought up to expect progress; however it does not seem to be happening regardless of technological gadgets. With his exhibition Krassimir Terziev starts this serious conversation always offering two standpoints.
Maria Vassileva
curator of the exhibition