Everything seems alright

  • 1999
  • three channel video installation
  • 3 loops, 3 min, PAL, color, stereo
  • three monitors, dimensions variable
  • EA + AP

Showing three details from a human body my intention is to play with the shown / hidden (imaginary) parts of the image
and using the air in the gallery as part of the image, to place the visitor viewer inside the body of the art work.

Channel A

Face. Close up (author’s face) is shot from a static position in one shot. The person is reading long text.
After shooting the video and sound is digitized and reversed in time from the end to the very beginning and output as a separate sequence. The two video sequences are edited in one screen split vertically on two symmetrical parts (left/right) and printed on one tape. The normal speed video sequence is displayed on the left part of the screen and the reversed speed sequence is displayed on the right part of the screen (or vice versa). In this way again a whole face is reconstructed, as the deconstruction is recognizable only following the face mimic in the time passing.
The two sound tracks (1 in normal speed and 2 in reversed) are additionally edited in 1 channel, mixing the text readings onto hard recognizable phrases.

Channels B; C

Close up of hands flipping the pages of the book simultaneously: the right hand flipping the book sheets left to right, the left hand listing the book right to left.

channel A, excerpt 4 min

Camera and Postproduction Anton Bakarski


Know Thyself, ICA-Sofia Gallery, Sofia, 2014; curated by Iara Boubnova

Atlantis I. Hidden Histories – New Identities. Twenty years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Centre of Contemporary Art The Ancient Bath, Plovdiv, 2009; Curator: Emil Mirazchiev, co-curator: Jakob Racek

Everything seems alright, The Kitchen, New York, 1999