Between Flashback and Déjà-vu II
- 2017
- video
- 9 min, HD, 1080P, PAL, 16:9, color, sound
- disctribution: Argos Centre for Art & Media, Brussels
- EA 5 + 2 AP
Two cameras are watching each other. One of them - fixed on a tripod overseeing a wide panoramic view of Sofia from high viewpoint, the other one - mounted on a drone seeking the location of the first one in a close-up on the facade of a building.
Krassimir Terziev. Future Unforgettable, 2019, Versus Art Project, Istanbul; curated by Firat Arapoglu
Krassimir Terziev. Images Staring at Images, 5 April — 28 May 2018, Sariev Contemporary, Plovdiv; curated by Svetlana Koyumdjieva
Push, European Media Art Festival No 30, 2017, Osnabrueck
Spider's Web, 2017, İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi; curated by Firat Arapoglu
34th Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival, Nov 14 — 19, 2017, Großes BALi BALi Cinemas (KulturBahnhof), Kassel